• Audiobooks, anyone?

    Are you an audiobook lover? Then I have good news. The Women’s Audiobook Extravaganza is for you. Check out 33 audiobooks with female protagonists. Genres include romance, action, mystery, sci-fi and of course Women’s Fiction. You’ll see My Best Mistake there as well. Find a new favorite audiobook here!

  • Covering it up

    Only three more days until Christmas. I think I’m more excited than my family is. Apparently, teenagers no longer get into the spirit of things. Or maybe they are all still tired from finals at school. Who knows? What’s up? I’m wrapping up a few loose ends before the year closes out and one of…

  • Christmas gifts for characters

    I completed my Christmas shopping, but I was still in the mood to browse. What could I do to scratch that itch? Christmas shop for the characters in my books! The thrill of finding the perfect gift coupled with the zero price tag since I’m not actually buying anything – double win! Here’s what I…

  • I finally lost it.

    Today’s blog post is a PSA. Not as inspiring as “We Can Do It!” or as eye opening as “This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs.” But it is an important one nonetheless. BACKUP YOUR WORK. There. I said it. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that computers crash, glitch and fail…