Covering it up

Only three more days until Christmas. I think I’m more excited than my family is. Apparently, teenagers no longer get into the spirit of things. Or maybe they are all still tired from finals at school. Who knows?

What’s up?

I’m wrapping up a few loose ends before the year closes out and one of those was to order the cover for the next book. As you may recall, the plan was for this book to be released in the fall. Clearly, that didn’t happen. 

A new book, you say?

But it does mean there is a book coming out June 2022. I won’t have a cover back before the holidays, but I thought I would share some of my favorite book covers. I haven’t read all of these books, but I do like the covers! 


Which is your favorite? Let me know at carole@carolewolfe.come

Until next time…

Photo by Oleg Laptev on Unsplash