Wrapping up the Holiday Movie Challenge

The Holiday Movie Challenge wrapped up on Christmas Day. Of course, I’m not quite organized enough to get the blog updated at the same time, but I’m close. Does that count?

The remaining movies ended up all over the spectrum. Love, hate, irritation, blah. You name the emotion, I probably experienced it. Here’s the 411 on the final seven.

Day 21: Frosty the Snowman (1969) – I remembered this one from childhood, but it didn’t live up to my expectations. It wasn’t as bad as Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, but recalling how Frosty “dies” because the magician takes back his hat reminded me how sad this movie made me as a kid.

Day 22: A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965) – I could give the same review as I did for A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. Now that I’ve said it, I guess I will:

I’ve always put Charlie Brown up on a pedestal. I have great memories of watching Charlie’s specials as I was growing up. Watching this as an adult, it wasn’t exactly as I remembered it. I still enjoyed the nostalgia of it though!

Day 23: Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town (1970) – I’d forgotten all about the Burgermeister Meisterburger! And a town with no toys – how sad! I did get a trivia question correct because of this movie (What was Mrs. Claus’ first name? – Jessica). The Winter Warlock scared me to pieces as a kid, but I showed no sign of fear as an adult. In case you were worried…

Day 24: Four Christmases (2008) – The concept of attending four Christmas dinners in one day exhausts me. I can’t imagine eating four meals, giving/getting four sets of gifts and driving around all day on Christmas day. That being said, this movie made me laugh. Maybe I shouldn’t laugh at special magic markers or a reinterpretation of the nativity scene, but it was funny.

Day 25: Deck the Halls (2006) – This piece of cinematic crap almost derailed the challenge. I struggled with this one. It took three days to watch. I started it before A Charlie Brown Christmas and cleansed my palette with the other movies to make it through. I’m hoping never to see this one again. Ever.

Day 26: Die Hard (1988) – Alan Rickman was awesome regardless of his role, and he played a bad guy like no one else. That alone made this a good movie to rewatch. While there were lots of explosions, it had a tiny bit of Christmas sentiment. If you squinted and tilted your head sideways.

Day 27: Miracle on 34th Street (1947) – Best. Movie. Ever. Nothing more to say.

My reaction to many of these movies surprised me. My expectations were not met in several cases, and I was completely blown away by others.

The dark horses were the classic movies from the 1940s and 50s. I didn’t think I would like them at all, but White Christmas, It’s A Wonderful Life and Miracle on 34th Street were my top three movies by far. Others like The Ref and Bad Santa shocked me by how entertaining they were. While I won’t watch Bad Santa again, The Ref will be on my list for next year.

For the most part, the movies I watched as a kid did not age well. Not sure if it is because I am an adult or a parent or the movies are 50-odd years old, but it is safe to say I don’t need to rewatch them.

Thanks for sticking with me on this challenge, and I appreciate the feedback on movies to watch. My list for next year has already begun. If you have suggestions, please send me an email at carolewolfeauthor@gmail.com.

Until next year…

Photo by Carole Wolfe