The Power of Connection, Part 15

This month’s spotlight is a bit different. Instead of one person, I’d like to introduce you to Active Alumni Writers. Actually, this is a bit of a reintroduction. You may remember the group from the Once Upon A Story anthology published last year. I’m excited to share that another anthology is in the works, and this time around, I’ll be contributing a story as well.

The as-of-yet unnamed anthology will be different from the last one in that the same central character will be present in each chapter but each chapter is being written by a different author and in a variety of genres. We are all working on our parts now and it has been a joy to see it come together. You’ll see some returning authors as well as a few new ones. I’ll keep you updated on the publication date.

What really excites me about this opportunity though is that we are coming together in a pretty tense time. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live our daily lives. Many of us are connecting with family, friends and coworkers virtually, and Active Alumni Writers has done the same. I’ve enjoyed our online chats and calls which have brought together writers from across the globe. While we are all dealing with a troubling event, we can still come together and do something we love as well as establish some normalcy back into our lives.

To find out more about Active Alumni Writers, its website is or you can find the anthology, Once Upon A Story, on Amazon. Below is a list of the authors and their websites who will be contributing to the newest anthology. I know they would love to have you “stop by” and say hello!

Do you have a favorite author you would like me to highlight? Drop me an email at

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Contributing Writers