The Power of Connection, Part 10

It’s been a while, but it’s time to get the Spotlight series back up and running.

I’m happy to shine the Spotlight on romantic adventure author Melissa Michelle Green. Melissa and I met in 2018 at a writer’s conference and joined the same mastermind group. We touch base a couple of times a week for moral support, technical help (see last week’s blog post) and general camaraderie. Her latest book, Cursed: Fated Series Book 2, Part 1was released on September 14. You can check out Melissa’s work on her website,  Now, on to the interview.

Melissa got into writing as a way to challenge herself. Her kids were old enough to entertain themselves for short periods of time and her day job, while rewarding, didn’t utilize her full brainpower. So one day, Melissa got the idea to write a book.

“I’ve always read romance, but I wrote a lot of stuff to find out what I wanted to pursue.”

Her first series, Fated, is a romantic adventure and she has plans in the works for a supernatural thriller using the same universe.

“I like the adventure of writing. I like going someplace in my head while I’m sitting on the sofa.”

The visceral component of writing appeals to Melissa.

“I read something once that said if you look at a brain scan of someone while they are reading a romance book, it looks like they are falling in love.”

Writing is like that for her. When Melissa is writing, she is living someone else’s life.

Like many working moms, Melissa gets creative when finding the time and space to write. As a self-declared control freak, Melissa wishes she could control all the variables that influence her writing schedule. But since that isn’t possible, she sets aside all the time she can.

“When I get in the zone, I can get work done. When I am excited about a scene or where the characters are going, I can power through any distraction.”

Right now, Melissa is in the zone. She has two books out and another on the way in December. Destined and Cursed: Part I are available now and you can preorder Cursed: Part II. Check out her website at to find out more.

I’d love to hear your thoughts about this author Spotlight. You can reach me at

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Author photo provided by Melissa Michelle Green,