Power of connection, Part 19

You like books, right? Yes, I knew you did. But do you have a hard time finding the right book?

There are lots of ways to discover a book. Word of mouth is my favorite. When your mom, dad, sister, brother, best friend, or second cousin of your next door neighbor’s plumber recommends something, you listen.

My next choice is an in person trip to a library or bookstore. Display tables and shelves offer suggestions on what you should read. Most of these suggestions are made by real people. At my local bookstore (back when I went into my local bookstore), I can read employee recommendations, including a short write up that includes the genre, the employee’s thoughts on the book as well as recommendations on similar books.

Online bookstores haven’t been so helpful for me, though. The recommendations are powered by algorithms looking at books that have been placed in the wrong category.

One online book store is working to change that. Enter Binge Books. The website’s tagline is “find your next great read”. It is a book discovery site that has the most organized and easy to navigate genre sections I have seen. And the books seem to be in the correct genre category.

Women’s Fiction tends to get lost in the shuffle so it has been nice to be able to find what I am looking for without scrolling through hundreds of images.

In addition to the easy-to-find categories, Binge Books has a “What’s hot” section as well as a “Trending deals” listing. The “what’s hot” section is a good place to check out to see what is selling well, but the “Trending deals” section includes a list of what books are on sale or even free in some cases. Makes it nice if you are taking some time off and want to find a handful of books to read while sitting on the beach (okay, so maybe you are soaking in the bathtub pretending you are sitting on the beach!).

My books are not included on this site as it is closed to new authors at this time, but I wanted to share it with you anyway. It is a great opportunity to check out a well designed, easy to navigate bookstore that is dedicated to bringing you, the reader, exactly what you want – your next great read.

You can find out more about Binge Books on its website, or through social media on Facebook or Instagram.

If you get a chance to check out Binge Books, let me know what you think. Send me an email at carolewolfeauthor@gmail.com

Until next week…

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