Power of Connection, Part 17

Something a little different this time for our spotlight. I wanted to share with you a website that offers a newsletter service highlighting free or discounted books.

The Fussy Librarian is a website that matches readers to their chosen book genre as well as content preferences. Basically, you can look for a Women’s Fiction book that has no swearing, no violence and no sexual content. Or you could look for a Romantic Comedy with mild profanity, a little gunfire (although I’m not sure there is much gunfire in romance, but what do I know?) and non-explicit sex scenes.

And the options are limitless. I counted 29 fiction categories and 11 nonfiction categories that can all be sorted by various levels of language, violence and sexual content.

I subscribed to this newsletter for Women’s Fiction books and have been pleased with the quality and variety of books in my daily newsletter. Disclaimer: I also paid for My Best Mistake to be included in the Women’s Fiction newsletter section in early August 2020.

If you read several books a week, this is a good way to find inexpensive e-Books that meet your tastes.

I’d love to hear what you think about The Fussy Librarian. Send me an email at carolewolfeauthor@gmail.com

Until next week…

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