Potluck Pig #2

Pink piglet in front of a white background

Pigs from my travels!

When I posted Potluck Pig #1 in March, I mentioned I had three of the four pigs already purchased (it’s been a big travel year!) and I knew where I would find my fourth pig. Well, things changed a bit in May.

I attended the Indianapolis 500 for the first time over Memorial Day weekend and ended up with three new pigs! Technically, it is the same pig in three colors, but I love them! The artist, J. Ivcevich, created these for a larger installation exhibit he did for the Jacksonville MOMA. The exhibit was broken down into the smaller pieces. I adore the colors and the detail on the pigs is fabulous. It is actually an impression of a piggy bank that the artist’s grandfather owned.

The pigs are nestled in a niche (safe from accidental bumps) where I walk past them several times a day. They make me smile and that makes me happy!

Until next time…