In case you missed it…

The new covers have been out for a while, but they still make me smile. This montage is my computer’s screensaver.

It will soon be updated, though, as the cover for book number 5 is in process. I know. I’m way ahead of schedule this time around. At least on the cover. Writing the book, however, is an ever continuing process. I read through the entire book last week and will be doing some heavy editing in the days to come.

Something else I wanted to share was my new logo. It’s on the website and is the header of newsletter.

Speaking of which, if you haven’t signed up, now is a great time to join the newsletter. I will be sharing details about the next book in the series with newsletter subscribers as well as some excerpts. Click on the banner at the top of the page that says “Free story! Sign up for my newsletter and get My Best Ride.”

Until next time. . .