Holiday Movie Challenge part 4

This set of movies is more modern than classic. I was surprised how much I liked a few of them and not surprised that I prefer originals to remakes. Without further ado, let’s check out what I’ve been watching.

Day 16: The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) – This is classic Tim Burton, though I’m not sure it will be classic Christmas. The concept interested me and the action moved the movie along. Jack Skellington’s need for change seemed plausible, but the Evil Scientist confused me. He seemed evil just for evil’s sake. But he did create Sally so I’ll give him credit there.

Day 17: The Holiday (2006) – This one didn’t sit well. I liked it when I watched it a few years ago, but I can’t pinpoint what changed. Maybe it’s because I’m a parent of teenagers, and I don’t want them thinking infidelity and casual sex are okay. Or maybe I found it strange that Amanda let a drunk man into the house where she was staying (can we say stranger danger?). The ending was nice, but getting to that picture-perfect scene was unsettling.

Day 18: Christmas with the Kranks (2004) – I didn’t expect to enjoy this one as much as I did. Tim Allen was funny as ever. I laughed out loud when he showed off his recent Botox treatment at lunch! What I most enjoyed was seeing other people’s reactions to Luther and Nora’s decision not to celebrate Christmas. Every time I see a snowman, I hear the chant, “Free Frosty! Free Frosty!”

Day 19: The Ref (1994) – Thank you Christy for recommending this movie. I’d passed over it when I put the Holiday Movie Challenge together, but I am SO glad I added it in. If you are ever concerned your family is dysfunctional, watch this movie and you will feel better about yourself. And you will laugh. A lot.

Day 20: How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) – I know. I liked the 1966 version better. I tried to like this one too, and it did have some highlights. Max the dog was pretty cute. The decorating contest between Martha May and Betty Lou was funny. And Cindy Lou’s compassion for the Grinch was admirable. But you can’t beat Boris Karloff’s Grinch in 1966.

Seven movies to go before Christmas. There are lots more on my list, so I may sneak in some extras. I’ve already started compiling a list for next year. If you have any suggestions, let me know at

Photo by Carole Wolfe