Free stuff to keep you busy while you “shelter-in-place”!

You may be sick and tired of hearing about COVID-19, but I have some loosely related items that might be of interest to you. Many of us are staying home to slow down the virus, but are still in need of things to do. Here’s a few ideas:

Pick up a book – Bet you never saw that coming, huh? I’ve been visiting my bookshelves and checking out books that I haven’t read in a while. Nora Roberts is getting my attention (happily ever afters anyone!?), but there are also some Stephen King and Randy Wayne White books that are good for a reread. And don’t forget JK Rowling and Harry Potter. That re-read could keep you busy for the entire “shelter-in-place” timeframe

Scribd – This online book seller has opened up its library for free for the next 30 days. You can read or listen to any book or magazine Scribd offers without paying a thing.

Listen to a podcast – The Storygrid podcast is mainly for writers, but on today’s episode Shawn addresses COVID-19 for what it is – a phere. And no, that is not a typo!

Read an article – Seth Godin’s article today, Is Everything Going to Be Okay? made me stop and think. Things have to change, right?

Write a letter to your future self  Get out a pen and paper and write a letter explaining how you kept busy during the “shelter-in-place” order. Maybe you’ll come up with some ideas on what else to do.

Play games – I have to say our family’s Scrabble board has gotten a workout. We are all learning new works and enjoying the time we have with each other.

Be grateful – This is a trying time. But it will pass. Eventually. And next year, we will be able to look back on the time we spent in our houses as a necessary pause. Several articles I’ve read recently suggest this is the Earth’s way of asking for a time-out. Let’s use it to our advantage.

Keep safe and healthy. We will get through this. Send me an email if you have any suggestions on other activities you find entertaining.

Until next time…

Photo by Hope House Press – Leather Diary Studio on Unsplash